defy gravity and strengthen your backside

Join Jill Dailey to work your glutes and quads (and all the smaller muscles in between) in this 3-day series designed to strengthen your backside and give you more lower body power.

*included with a subscription to Dailey Online



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As you age some muscle groups are simply more susceptible to gravity (hello, derriere!) and require more effort to keep them toned. This 3-day callenge provides the extra oomph to help keep the musculature of the lower body engaged and strong, working the glutes, quads and all the little muscles in between.

  • Strengthen, tone and lengthen your gluteals (aka seat) and quadriceps.

  • Speed up your metabolism (more muscle mass, more calorie burn)

  • Stabilize and support your spine

  • Gain power and strength for everyday activities

The Why Behind Seat and Thigh Express

At the Dailey Method we believe in every workout being a balanced full body experience.  We also know sometimes, especially when short on time, that you may want something a little more focused.  Jill Dailey developed Seat and Thigh Express to provide you with quick access to strengthening, toning and lengthening your gluteals, quadriceps and all the smaller muscles that build a strong backside.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need equipment?

Just an exercise mat, a streaming device and your time. 

Who should sign up for this program?

Everyone with a backside ;)

Do I get to keep the program after I complete it?

Once you purchase this program it is yours forever. For maximum result, we recommend adding the Thigh and Seat Challenge into your Dailey routine.

How much time do I need?

The Thigh and Seat Challenge consists of 3, 25 minute classes along with a fitness tip each day to help you perfect more challenging exercises.